I finally unearthed some of my favorite portraits that I shot in 2007. I had just discovered light painting and was trying it out on my friend Leah. They're not all stellar shots. I didn't know how to frame her most of the time and I didn't know how to clean my camera sensor yet, but a few of these images I love love. So I've gone back and tried to spruce them up in RawShooter. Here's a few of my favorites.

What we did for a lot of these shots is this; I shut off all the lights and cover any sources of ambient light. Then she poses as still as possible for about 30 or 45 seconds while I move a flashlight over her. You see how lovely? I lovey!

This is the same idea as light painting but for the purpose of playing with color instead of light. The exposure here is maybe 5 seconds and I shone the flashlight just on her face, so when the color was correct on her face for skin tone, the rest of the shot would be much cooler tones.

This here is my favorite mistake ever. When we did this shoot I didn't yet have my glorious tripod with the sturdy trigger release. I had a flimsy tripod that was no better at holding the camera still than my own two hands. This was a 5 second exposure and when I released the shutter, the weight of the camera caused the tripod to slowly turn in an attempt to give in to gravity. Thanks, pull of the planet earth!
In a few of the light-painting shots indoors, her cat jumps into the frame and makes little ghosts in the background. It's so nice to have a model with a sense of humor and a sensational booty. To see what I mean, please check out the rest on my flickr page.
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